Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Babies

This morning I picked up my neighbor Angela's children for school. We carpool - I drive mornings and she picks up in the afternoon. When Bailey got in the car she said that baby rabbits were in a little burrow right by their house. After I dropped the kids off at school I headed back to Angela's house with my camera. I had never seen newborn rabbits. Angela told me that they looked on the internet and found the following info.
Mother rabbits make burrows about three inches down in the ground. This is where the babies stay. The mother rabbit comes back once a day usually in the middle of the night to feed her babies. Her milk is so rich and thick that she only needs to do that one feeding.

I see rabbits all the time running around here but this is the first time I have ever seen newborn baby rabbits in their burrow.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

What a treat.

Jen said...

Last summer a rabbit made a burrow under the slide in our church playground. The kids I was watching came running over with what I thought were mice! They were TINY! Turns out they were rabbits. We moved the nest to the woods. Apparently they squeal very loudly and the mother can find them. They were still doing fine a couple days later and then they dissapeared. We are hoping and assuming that Mamma just moved them.

Emily said...

I wondered if they mamma rabbit carries them to different places. As of this morning they are still in the burrow.

Romany said...

American rabbits are different to British rabbits! Ours burrow deep underground in nests connected by tunnels.

Do you live in a rural area, Emily? There always seems so much space!


Emily said...

We live about 40 minutes outside the nearest "big" city. It is rural but since we moved out here over 5 years ago many people from the city have been moving out here too. I am about 15 minutes from the very rural area where most ranches are a minimum of 40 acres.