Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Neighborhood Cow!

Yesterday Lisa called me when they pulled into her inlaws drive-way. The neighborhood cow was in their yard. I jumped in the car with my camera because I have yet to get a picture of the cow. The times I have seen it in my neighbor's yard . . .I have not had my camera. So, I pull up to see the cow walking away. He is heading back toward his friends in the cow pasture.
but then he stops . . . he comes upon an obstacle . . . a fence . . .what is a cow to do?
I couldn't wait around to find out so I will check on him later today after church.


Cynthia said...

Hmmm... what do they always say about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence? (LOL).

Emily said...

That is so funny Cindy . . . that has been the running joke with all the neighbor's and this cow. We all say . . what is so good about the grass on our side ofthe fence!!!