Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Last Few Hours Of My Birthday!

This evening when Carlos got home from work he was a little bummed. He lost his wallet. We have looked everywhere. We called every place that he had visited since Sunday- which was the last time he saw it. We looked again in our SUV and van one more time. We went through our room, looked under and in the sofa's and no wallet. He then said let's go and get you something to eat for your birthday. I wasn't that hungry but I could tell he wanted to get out of the house and get him mind off his wallet. So, he took me into the "quaint' little town that we live by and we had a very light meal. Growing up I always asked for apple pie instead of cake for my birthday - it is my favorite dessert as long as it is homemade and it doesn't have canned apples LOL . Well, this restaurant had homemade apple streudel (sp?) It was so good and it reminded us of our trip to Austria and Germany a few years ago. When we got home I started a fire in the fireplace. Winter has decided to visit us for a few days. We have lows in the 30's tonight - Brrrrrrr! I then made a cup of tea in my Royal Dalton "January" teacup. I am in heaven! Thank you everyone for all the calls, cards and emails. I feel very blessed and I sure do not feel 41. :-) Here is a picture of my nice warm fire in the fireplace. What a wonderful way to spend the rest of my birthday. My January teacup.
Now filled with hot tea!
Please pray that Carlos finds his wallet.


US said...


What lovely teacups! Do you have the whole set? My MIL collects teacups and I collect teapots. I wonder if she would like a set like that.

Emily said...

I am not sure if you can buy them in a boxed set but you can buy the WHOLE year. The have the teacup and saucer and the cake plate. I bought January for me. May for
Alexia and December for Sierra. We have a Royal Dalton Outlet about 50 minutes from us and that is where I picked ours up. I started collecting teacups and teapots and some sets. I then started running out of room so now I just collect teacups, saucers and cake plates.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I agree with Kathy - the tea cup is very pretty. Happy birthday - a day late.

Debbie said...

Lovely teacups.

Pie is often the dessert of choice on birthdays around here! Apple, only if homemade.

So glad Carlos found his wallet...what a blessing to have it back and intact.

Emily said...

Thanks De'Etta . . I am not much into celebrating my birthday anymore but it is fun to be spoiled for the day :-)
Debbie - I can't believe I found someone else who likes apple pie for on birthdays . . wait until I share this with my mom .. I think she thought I was the only one :-)

Cynthia said...

Happy B-day, late of course. I didn't realize we are the same age... just a month or so apart.

Cynthia said...

of course, I *SHOULD* have remembered that since we are twins in almost every way LOL.

Emily said...

Cindy - if we find one more thing that we have in common - I am going to really believe we are connected somehow LOL!!!!!

Cynthia said...

LOL... me too!