Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

After spending a leisurly morning with my honey we both headed toward the church. He had a 1:00 meeting and I had to meet Lisa at the church. On the way out of the neighborhood I found our two visitors that seem to have made the area around our home their home. They go from neighbor to neighbor . . .I am not sure what they are called . . .does anyone know the name of these birds? I call them Monkey See and Monkey Do . . because the one does just what the other does. I met Lisa at the church. We clean the church and church offices once a week. After we cleaned we then headed to one of our new favorite places for lunch. It is a great coffee shop that has the most incredible sandwiches, soup and salads. While we were there my honey, Kevin and Fred showed up too. They decided to have their meeting while they had lunch and coffee.

While Lisa and I had lunch we met a nice guy by the name of Tim. He kept laughing at Lisa and I while Rebekah - the waitress was taking our picture. The picture that the waitress took actually did not come out very well because there was a window behind us so it made it bright so I am not going to post it. Anyways, Tim wanted to be on the blog so Lisa snapped a quick picture before we left.
After lunch we headed back to the church to bring lunch to Lisa's honey Ken. Ken is like a brother to me . . my brother lives out of town so Ken fills in when Andrew is not around. He says I am the sister he never had.
I then headed home but first made a quick stop at Lisa's house. I wanted to see how much tiling was done. Much to my surprise the main areas of the house was done - plus two bathrooms. The master still has not been done yet.

I am still trying to get a picture of our neighborhood cow. I drove down the street to see if she was around but she wasn't. Lisa told me that the cow was in her inlaws property yesterday . . I must of just missed him. Carlos wants to take is out to eat tonight for my birthday but I am thinking about making a big pot of vegetable soup and a loaf of homemade bread. It is suppose to dip down to the low 40's tonight so I am thinking a fire in the fireplace and the hot soup and bread sounds pretty good!


Debbie said...

I would say that Monkey See and Monday Do are Sand Hill Cranes. How lovely.

I just love see interesting birds.

Emily said...

Oh cool Debbie . . . my family will be soooooooo excited to know what their "real" names are! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emily!

We have those Sand Hill cranes in our back yard too. They do a funky little dance every now and then that is amusing..however don't feed them because they will always remember and come up to you forever! We fed some well over a year ago and they still start heading over when they see us!


Emily said...

Thanks for the advice Emi. I will make sure that I tell the kids never to feed them :-) Hope you all had a great Christmas!

Michelle said...

Yes, I stand with Debbie and Emi that about those birds in your yard being Sand Hill Cranes. We have those in our neighborhood as well. They usually travel in 'two's', so you will most likely see 2 or 4, etc. I will try and include a great picture of two Crane's hanging out in our front yard with my daughter, Sarah, last year or so.

Michelle said...

OK...so I can't figure out how to upload that picture...I'll have to send it separate. :-)

Emily said...

I saw the picture Michelle in your email. Thanks for sending it. I guess they must always be together in pairs. Whenever I see them there are always at least two.

Lady G~ said...

Yep, they are Sand Hill Cranes. We have them too.

It's amazing to see them flying. Their wing span must be over 5 ft. For such a skinny looking bird, they have an incredibly loud squawk.

They sure are cool to watch. :o)

Emily said...

I love them when they drop by for a visti :-)