Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas New Years Day?

Today we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. We had egg casserole, cinnamon rolls and homemade bread for breakfast. We then opened presents.

Me, my sisters and my brother and all spouses gave my dad a Louisville Slugger Cincinnati Reds Bat that had enscribed on Mayor Tom . . . . . .(last name hidden for privacy) the town he governs and the date. My dad is an avid Reds fan.

After all the eating we decided to take a walk while the guys played poker.
My dad ended up catching up with us.
Ansley Faith fell asleep - now that's the way to take a walk.
Alexia and her "special friend" Nathan.
Tonight we are heading to the movies - not sure what we all are seeing .


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

How WONDERFUL to have so much family nearby. Great photos.

berrypatch said...

We were suppose to do this as well, but we had freezing rain so could not travel. I'm jealous of all your shorts!!! Oh & little Ansley appears to have the same Crocs I have! :-)

Lisa in ME

Lady G~ said...

I haven't seen your folks in like forever! They look great. So does your grandma. I had forgotten that your baby brother had gotten married. His girls are absolutely beautiful. Your sisters still look the same... beautiful!

Alexia and Nathan started seeing each other again? I thought you had said that they decided not to court anymore. They do look cute together.

I noticed that Jordan wasn't in any of the pictures. Has he flown the coop or busy working? Please don't tell me flown the coop. It's bitter sweet to know that our children are all growing up. It's what we've all been working towards, right. :o)

Emily said...

De'Etta - we have been having a blast. I am going to be so sad when they all leave on Saturday.

Emily said...

Lisa - we are two for two - we have exercised so far every day since the first of the year- but then it has only been 2 days :-)

Emily said...

Giselle, no Alexian and Nathan are just friends but I think deep inside they still have those "feelings". They have decided to put their relationship with the Lord first - we will see what happens down the road :-)
Jordan went down to West Palm for a few days with a friend. He just returned last night. Sometimes I feel like he has flown the coop because he is hardly home anymore.