Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Lisa and Ava Update!

Lisa is still having severe headaches so I headed over to their house today around 3:30 to make dinner for them. When I got there they all had just taken a nap so I headed to the kitchen to make dinner. While at my house earlier I had made a loaf of homemade bread and my chocolate chip cookies. For dinner I made Chicken Fettuchine Alfredo with homemade sauce, salad and my bread. Dessert was the cookies. After dinner Ken had to meet up with Carlos for a meeting so I stayed with Lisa until he got home. While I cleaned up the dinner dishes - Lisa nursed the baby. I then headed upstairs to play with Christian and Kaitlyn. She wanted to have a tea party. It was fun to watch her - she has a precise way of making tea. Then it was time to play with Christian. He wanted to play with his giraffe, car and his toy Woody from Toy Story. After playing we headed to Lisa's room. We stuck a DVD on for the kids and then we gave Ava a bath. We had just got her bathed and in her jammies when she decided to do a huge poop. :-) Lisa then nursed the baby again and then handed her over to me around 8:30. When Ken got home around 11:3o - I will still holding her :-) (I had to get my baby fix :-) Sweet Ken brought us home coffee so I stayed around another 45 minutes and then headed home. I have to say a HUGE thank you to my son Taylor for holding down the fort most of the evening so I could be at Lisa's to help her! Thanks Tay - I love you!!! Here are a few pictures of the evening.The two girls all snuggled together!
Kaitlyn actually took the picture of me and Ava. I think she did a pretty good job for only being 4 years old.

I am trying to get 2 weeks worth of meals made for Ken and Lisa through our church and their friends. If anyone local would like to make a dinner for them - please let me know and I will send you an updated list with what days I need filled. Thanks so much! I know they will greatly appreciate it along with your prayers!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

So sorry to hear Lisa is still having headaches...praying for her.

Anonymous said...

The headache/pain sounds awful. Praying the Lord help Lisa through this and that it ends soon. That is sooo nice of you to hang out and play with the children Emily! Am sure they felt so special :-)

Emily said...

Thanks for your prayers De'Etta and Emi. PTL she is having a little bit better day today!

Anonymous said...

Your so great to my sister, Emily! ^_^ I can't wait till I'm pregnant..haha

Lisa in Jax said...

What a great friend you are! That sure is a precious baby. She's looks like a happy/content little girl. I'm hoping for one of those I'm really hoping this one isn't like Evie. I think one per family is

I'm sorry to hear that it's the spinal headaches. Those were really bad for me also. They are sooo scary! Enough to scare me into having natural I'm glad that she's beginning to feel better.

Emily said...

Michelle - I would LOVE to be able to help you out - I will be there in any way!!

Lisa - She is the most precious baby. She just eats, sleeps and poops! Thanks again for your prayers!

Cynthia said...

How sweet that you are able to be there for your friend. It's nice that you live so close! My nearest friends are a good 45 minutes away (LOL)!

Emily said...

I only have a couple REALLY good friends and Lisa is one of those friends. I have known her since she was 14 . . .our families are practically family :-) My other good friend lives 45 minutes away and we mainly commuincate via phone or computer. We have to make an extra effort to see each other.

Emily said...

Actually, I have 2 good friends that live 45 minutes from me . . I wished they both lived closer!