Monday, December 11, 2006

I love Monday's

Monday's are one of my favorite days of the week. Carlos teaches at a Bible school on Monday nights so usually Monday he studies all day at the church office. I do some accounting for the church so I decided to change my work day to Monday's so we get to at least spend the day together at the church. We always end up going to lunch too. We have found this great little coffee shop close to the church. They have the best pesto chicken sandwiches. They are soooo good! Also, their Mocha Latte's are awesome! After lunch today we headed back to the office. Ken and Lisa were on their way to the office. She and I and another friend Cathie worked on cleaning up the church a little bit. After we finished up I headed back home to pick up Taylor - he had a hair appt. He was the last one that needed a haircut so hopefully now we can get our Christmas pictures taken this week. For dinner we had leftovers. I had so many good appetizers and things left over from the party that I just warmed up everything and we had that for dinner. I was cleaning up and came upstairs to a joyful sight! Three of my kids reading! What more could a mother ask for :-) Landon started wheezing yesterday. He is pre-ashmatic so usually a couple times a year we have to pull out the breathing machine to give him treatments. When Carlos was about his age he had the same type of thing and Jordan did too - they both outgrew it by the time they were teens - we are praying Landon does too. Tomorrow is his birthday so I will be setting up the birthday chair for him. I might take pictures tonight but for sure in the morning I will.
Also, Carlos has been having some tightness in the chest. So, for the last 4 weeks he has been to a cardiologist for tests. He went this morning before we headed to the church to get most of the results from the test. PTL!!! They DID NOT find any blockage. They said his heart looks great! They did find one thing . . they said it looks like he has a small leak in his heart. They said not to worry about it . . .so we aren't. We are thanking God for the great report! I am going to get ready for bed and catch up on some reading. Also, Lisa gave me the first season box set to the show LOST. I need to hurry and watch them because she and her sister Michelle are waiting for me to watch them so we can watch Season 2 together. I am going to try to finish them by Wednesday.


Cynthia said...

One of our dds had childhood asthma... activity induced. She seems to have overcome it now, but we were told to always keep an inhaler just incase. So we do, and she takes it with her when she goes hiking or skiing or anything really strenuous just to be on the safe side.

Glad Carlos' tests came out fine.

Emily said...

We do the same . . alway have it on hand but hardly ever need it. We have been very blessed this fall - he usually gets it bad but this is the first time since last spring that he has had wheezing.