Friday, December 08, 2006

"Eventful" Day!

My computer has been downloading these pictures so slow it has taken me all night and this morning to get these pictures in here. Yesterday was a GREAT day. My Goddaughter Kaitlyn had her Christmas program at her preschool. I headed there to watch her program and then they served us all lunch. She did so great and the whole class was SO ADORABLE! Good job Kaitlyn - you did GREAT! Here are some pictures from the program.

After leaving the program I had to run to the store and buy a few gifts for a white elephant game that we play at our annual Pastors/Staff/Board party. I then rushed home to make an early dinner because I had to leave around 6 pm to head to the church for my annual Christmas Tea, Cookie and Ornament Exchange. On a side note, I also throw this party for my friends and neighbors - this would have been the 13th year but I am taking a one year break and starting it again next year. So, for all my friends and neighbors who are reading this . . . don't worry because the party will be back next year. Anyways, the ladies bake 4 dozen cookies. They bring one dozen to share on a platter so we can sample them and then the other 3 dozen they put in six half dozen increments and wrap them up to exchange. We also buy a Christmas ornament or decoration and use that for a white elephant game. I also give prizes for Best Tasting, Most Creative Way to display your cookies to share and Most Creative way to package your exchange cookies. Here are a few pictures from the party. This table has the cookies we are sampling.Another table filled with goodies to try.

The ornament/decoration gift table for the white elephant game.
Some of our wonderful women in our church that was able to make it.
Here are a few more . . . .The prizes . . . . The winners:
Bonnie won the most creative for the give away table. Rahme won most creative for the "eating" table and Lea won Best Tasting.

Here are a few pictures of the tables that held the packages that were going to be exchanged. More exchange packages. Here are the six I brought.

Thanks to all the ladies that took time to come out to the party. It was a lot of fun and boy were the cookies great. Also, you all came up with a lot of creative ways to share and exchange your cookies. Good job!


Lady G~ said...

Looks like you have quiet an eventful day. I'm sure Lisa appreciates you taking pictures of her little Kaitlyn, since she couldn't be there. She's so cute.

I can attest to Em's Annual Cookie, Ornament Exchange Tea Party. She's a great hostess. Everyone always has a wonderful time.

I look forward to next year's Tea. ;o)

Emily said...

I am glad you enjoy it. I think I get nervous as the years go by that people are getting tired of it. :-)

Cynthia said...

I've also enjoyed the tea party, ornament and cookie exchange. It's not something I've been able to do the last few years... would sure like to do it again sometime! If I knew I could round up enough people to come I would schedule one!

Emily said...

Cindy - how about we each move half way . . .that would make it easier for me to attend your party and then you could attend mine ;-)

Cynthia said...

SURE thing! I'll get right on that (LOL)! I doubt the rest of the family would go for that, though. They'd probably just want to go clear to FL >VBG>!