Friday, December 01, 2006

Decorating the Tree or at least part of it :-)

This is turning out to be a strange decorating season for us. I am usually all finished with everything by the end of November. I still have the tree to finish and we still don't have the Nativity Scene or our lighted deer up outside. I am finding it very hard to get all 7 of us together here at the house at one time. So, tonight it was just me and Sierra. I told her let's get out all the Hallmark Ornaments and get them in separate piles. I then let her hang all of her ornaments. I then put up my personal ornaments. My tree is going to go up in phases - I guess I will grab a kid when I see them and head them to the tree to hang their ornaments. :-)


Cynthia said...

Sounds like a fun and unique way to do it... special time with each child as they put up their ornaments... I sort of think I might want to try that next year myself..... seems more sentimental then everyone doing theirs quickly all at the same time.

I was on such a role last week with our decorating and now I have a big mess here in the house AGAIN! I hope to get it all cleaned up this weekend and be done with the decorating!

Emily said...

Oh me too Cindy! I am now at the point where I just want it done so we all can sit back and enjoy the rest of the month.
Remember a few weeks ago I told you about a few areas in my house that need severe help?? Well, I haven't got to them yet and it's starting to drive me crazy LOL. We haven't even done our family pictures yet . . . . Calgon - take me away :-)

Emily said...

Cindy -one more thing - I love the way you put it about having the kids decorate one at a time. I was kind of bummed last night when they weren't all here but you have now changed the way I feel. I will look at it as a special time with each one :-) Thanks!

Lady G~ said...

Reality hit me hard when Melina and Trina started college. They've been so busy with school work. We hardly get to have "family" time.

But I realized that now we get to have "one on one" time. Which is really funny. When our children were younger I couldn't "fit in" one on one time. LOL!

Now, I look forward to those chosen moments of one on one. But we still have dinner together every night. ;o)

All we can do is treasure the moments we have...

Emily said...

I wish we could all have dinner every night but with Jordan working at Best Buy and Alexia working at Chick Fil A - that is almost impossible :-) We maybe get to eat together once or twice a week.