Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A day of LOST

Today I did something that I NEVER do. I stayed in my jammies all day and watched LOST. I have been so tired running here and there and doing this and that . . . that it actually felt GOOD to just do nothing all day. I did have good intentions . . I planned on cleaning and doing laundry. While I was folding laundry this morning I started a new episode . . well the next thing I knew it was almost 1:00 pm . I couldn't believe I had watched almost a whole disc of LOST. Well, my friend Lisa is excited because I am getting closer to starting Season 2 with them. I know this probably sounds lazy and it is . . but it actually felt good to do NOTHING! I am sure I won't get one of those again for a long while but it was good while it lasted. :-)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Enjoy it while it lasts....sounds heavenly.

Romany said...

I don't watch this show, but a day of having to do not much sounds perfect to me!


Emily said...

Having nothing to do is RARE in my family but I could tell my body was telling me to get some rest . . .I feel much better today. I think I am going to try to finish my Christmas shopping.

Cynthia said...

I was wondering if you were ever going to slow down long enough for me to catch up to you (LOL)! Glad you had a day to rest! I'm hoping to do some resting myself from Tues-Sat next week!! hence the late night tonight.....

Emily said...

Cindy - it felt so good to do NOTHING - I can't remember the last time I did that . . .it probably won't happen again for a LONG time!

Kristine said...

Sounds like a great way to regroup in the midst of Christmas!

Emily said...

It was just what the doctor ordered - LOL