Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Christmas Tradition

A Chirstmas tradition that we have is each December we head to the mall. Even though "Santa" is not our main focus we have since Jordan has been 6 months old went the mall to see Santa and take a picture. Jordan is now 18 years old and bless his heart - still continues to take "the picture".Each year we also take a family picture. We find someone walking by and ask them to snap our picture.

After we see Santa we head to the food court to have dinner at Chick Fil A .

After dinner we go to the movies to see a Christmas movie. Carlos and I wanted to see the Nativity but we promised Ken and Lisa we would wait for them to see it so the kids decided on DECK THE HALLS. It was just ok - there were a couple scenes that were uncalled for but it did give us a few laughs.During dinner we discussed when we could possibly have our family Christmas card picture taken. Thankfully, Jordan and Alexia do not have to work until late Saturday afternoon so we are going to take it Saturday morning.


Cynthia said...

What a brave family. We try to avoid the mall this time of the year (LOL)!

Emily said...

That is why we always try to do it in a weekday or week night. It was very quiet last night for a December!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Fantastic photos! Everything looks so festive.

OK - did anyone get a shake?????

Emily said...

De'Etta - no shakes sad to say . . .ever since I found out the calories we have been shying away from them. That actually sounds really good . . .especially since it is going to be close to 80 degrees today LOL