Monday, December 18, 2006

Another Busy December Day

This was a jam packed day. After the kids got off to school - I came home and wrapped presents for 2 hours. Lisa then picked me up at noon and we started our day. We first went to the mall to pick up a couple gift cards. Then we headed to Sam's Club - we each had Christmas picture cards to pickup. After Sam's we headed to Ava's 2 week check up at the pediatricians. She is doing great - she already weighs 8 pound 4 ounces and she is only almost 3 weeks old. After the doctor's we headed to ToyRUS - I went in with Kaitlyn and Christian and she stayed in the car and nursed while I returned a few things. Then it was to another mall where we grabbed lunch and did a little bit more shopping. We then headed home around 5:00. . I was suppose to go to a birthday dinner for our friend Nathan - I was counting on my older two to be home to babysit the younger two and to pickup Taylor from basketball but they ended up having stuff going on so I had to cancel. Sorry Nathan - Happy Birthday! Carlos and I love you! When I realized I couldn't go to the party I took Kaitlyn home with me so she could play with Sierra for a while. I made dinner and then took her back over to Ken's parents house where Lisa and the kids are staying. 7:30 I headed to pick up Taylor and then we went to Wal-mart to pick up some goodies for Landon's class party tomorrow. I am now home and it's around 8:45 pm. I am suppose to head over to Lisa's inlaws around 9:30 ish to maybe play SKIPBO or something else after we get all our kids to bed. I also need to finish my last disc of LOST - she has season 2 with her.

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