Let the "Deep Cleaning" begin!
Today started my two week endeavor of Deep Cleaning my house for the holidays. I am taking one room a day and really cleaning it good. I started in our master bedroom today. I cleaned the windows inside and out. I washed and cleaned all the baseboards. I moved all the furniture except our huge dresser, bed and bookshelves so I could clean under and around them. I dusted the ceiling fan and my lamps. I dusted the furniture and vacummed the carpet. I then washed our door - I can't believe how dusty it gets. Our bed linens are in the washer. I am going to start on our master bathroom next. My goal is to have the whole house deep cleaned by the 20th of this month. Let's see if I make it. This morning before cleaning I got in a two mile walk with my neighbor Angela. It felt good to get outside - the weather is gorgeous. There is a great breeze and the temps are in the mid 70's. I have all the windows open here at the house and it feels good to have fresh air pouring in. Below -our bedroom - halfway finished :-) Also, Lisa went to the doctor today and her doctor scheduled her inducement for the 28th. I am so excited - Baby Ava will be here in 3 weeks!!!!!
Good job! I've been deep cleaning for a few months now and I'm not finished.lol You go girl!
My Isaac was going to be "Ava" if he'd been a girl. I love the name but have something against using a name twice even if it didn't actually get used.LOL
Thanks Lisa! I could go faster but I want to take my time and really clean this house good. So, I figure I have less pressure if I just do one room a day. Tomorrow I hit the master bathroom - I did start it a little bit today but not much.
It would take me a WEEK to deep clean each of our rooms (LOL)! I find that with homeschooling and work I just don't have time to keep the house up like I used to... on the surface you wouldn't know it, but our house needs some serious deep cleaning (LOL)! So.. come on over to my house after you finish yours!
I would LOVE to come to your house. One of these days I just might surprise you and tell you I gonna be there soon :-)
THAT WQULD BE SO COOL! I've done that to a few friends over the years.... just showed up at their door (LOL)! I better start my cleaning!
I am seriously going to pop in one of these days :-) but I will give you a warning that I am coming :-)
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