This is a place for our family and friends to catch up on what is going on in our adventures of life. Stop by anytime and check in on our journey.
This is homecoming week at Alexia's high school. She played in the powder puff game last night against the seniors. I am happy to announce that the juniors dominated 19-12. Go Juniors!!Your Number "1" Is this our "Little Princess"????? What happened??????? LOL!
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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Our precious children have grown up in a blink of an eye. What a blessing they are.
Every season the children go through have been so much fun. I love watching them grow up to young adults.
Go Juniors!! Wish I could have seen your Powder Puff game. It must have been a lot of fun. Can't believe that you are a Junior--wow how time flies. We love you, Alexia, Mamma and Pappa
Thanks!!! I love you too! Love, Alexia
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