Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dating and your Destiny!

We have the best youth pastor you could ever ask for. Years ago, Carlos and I were youth pastors for 11 years. We started with 11 kids and through the years we ended up with over 300 kids. Six years ago when we first started our church I told my husband that we need to find the best youth pastor. A youth pastor that is going to disciple the kids just like he did so many years ago. This was a strong desire because we have 5 kids that will eventually all go through the youth group. Well, the Lord brought us George - or PG as everyone calls him (Pastor George). He has been a blessing to our church and to our kids, especially the 3 older ones. Back when we youth pastored my husband always preached on how dating could effect your life for the worse and how courting was the norm up until the 1880's. He had a policy back then that none of his youth leaders could be in a dating relationship. Now, those same policies are happening through PG. So, he and my husband are bringing forth four weeks of messages called Dating and your Destiny! Tonight was week 2 and my honey preached tonight. Here is a picture of PG - Pastor George Here is the youth group - we run about 150 kids every Friday night. This is only half of them - my camera would not zoom out far enough to get the other side of the room.
Our son Jordan on the keyboard during praise and worship.

The whole youth praise band during praise and worship.
Praising and Worshipping God.
Here is our sweet Sierra. She loves to worship and sing. I accidentally cut off her head in this photo but it was to sweet to delete.

Singing praise to God!

Here is my biggest blessing getting ready to start his message.

We are now home and it is sooooooooo cold. A cold front came through this afternoon. I had left all the windows open and we ended up coming home to a FREEZING house!


Sherri said...

Oh my goodness. That is awesome to see such a "sold out to God" youth group. Thank God for your Youth Pastor. That's what I had when I was a teen and I want that for my kids. I'm going to pray about that....and you can count on seeing them there one faith...soon. And Sierra! Oh how precious in the sight of the Lord! That just pulled at my heart strings to see her, so young, crying out to God in worship. Tears in my eyes as I write this:) How sweet.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks for sharing, Emily.

Cynthia said...

VERY COOL! Our church has the same policy of kids not being in a dating relationship if they want to be in leadership positions.

Emily said...

I wish teens today could see the benefits of NOT DATING in high school. Just make good friends and have fun.