Sunday, November 26, 2006

Annual Decorate the House for Christmas Day!

The first Saturday after Thanksgiving is our Annual Decorate the House Day for Christmas! We have been doing this tradition for years. The day starts with the girls starting on the inside and the guys starting on the outside. By midday the girls slowly make their way outside when it is time to put the lights on up on the roof. When it is dinner time we always order in Chinese food. After dinner we pass out the kids new Hallmark ornaments and then they put their old ornaments along with the new ones. Then after dinner we watch a Christmas movie. This year I found a movie called The Christmas Shoes. This movie was awesome and I recommend it to every family! On a sad note, Jordan missed our big day. He has to work ALL day. I guess that's what happens as the kids get older. My mom,dad and grandmother left midway through the day. We also were blessed to have our niece Selena with us for most of the day too! Here is Alexia with her ornament.Here is Taylor!and Landon . . ..

and Sierra.
Here is Selena - she was our special visitor that day!
Here we are after a big day of decorating - we are all starved and ready to eat our Chinese take in. It's strange to see all of us without Jordan. We missed you Jordan!!

Alexia and Taylor getting the manger scene ready! Landon taking out a couple of candy cane lights.

Here is Carlos and Sierra up on the roof. It made my dad so nervous to see her up there.

My only job on the outside is to hang the wreaths on the windows and to decorate the front door.

Dad, Mom, Mema and Yankee getting ready to head home.

Here is the mayor - waiting for the rest of the luggage!
Early Saturday morning it was a little chilly so I snuggled up by the fireplace with a hot cup of coffee. Well, Sierra ran in the family room and needed some snuggles too - my mom ran and got the camera!

All in all we had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We are so blessed and have MUCH to be thankful for!


Lady G~ said...

I know that you get a special ornament for the children every year. Each ornament has a special meaning for the one receiving it.

I see that Alexia got a car ornament. Which means that this was the year she got her driver's license. But what are the meanings behind the rest? Which one did Jordan get?

We started doing this years ago when you shared idea with us. I've also started sending my niece and nephew one too. ;o) They love it!

Oh, my nephew James and his wife (my Babe's sister's oldest son) are expecting. I'll be passing on the tradition on to them too. Thanks for sharing it sooooo many years ago. Love ya!

Lisa in Jax said...

Looks like a lot of fun! You should take some after pictures, so we can see your hard work!



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Fun, fun, fun!!!

Emily said...

Sierra's was a little girl in bed holding her teddy bear - and this is something she does each night. Landon's was a little boy looking out the window with this inquisitive look on his face - he is always so curious so it was a perfect match for him.
Taylor's was 3 penguins in a snowball fight. The 3 penguins represent the 3 boys and how they love to hangout and play things - like games and baseball.
Jordan's which is not shown yet is a birdhouse - I chose that because he is starting to fly the coop :-)

Emily said...

Lisa, I will post pictures when I have everything finished :-)

DeEtta - you are right - this time of year is fun fun fun!

Cynthia said...

I can't help but envy your warm weather decorating. Here it's a balmy 10 or so... BRRRR.. .I *KNEW* we should have pressed on the other night and finished when it was a a much warmer 30 (LOL). Dh did manage to do some more outside today and we finished our tree... but I won't be "done" until tomorrow! I'll post some pics when I'm done. I LOVE your wreath idea... I wonder if I could get dh to do that for our windows. Are you able to see them at night?

Emily said...

Actually, you can a little bit once we get all the lights up on the house. I will post pictures when we have the whole house finished. Also, found the incredible suction cup hooks at Lowes. They are great to use with the wreaths! We are about 75 percent done on the outside and about 50 percent done on the inside. It will take us a few days to get everything up.

Romany said...


you do take great pictures! It sounds like a perfect weekend.

PS. I've been talking about you on my bolg.{g}

Romany said...

Oh, I wish I would read through my typing before I press send!

Of course I meant blog not bolg...

Emily said...

I am so behind in reading everyone's blogs. I hope to catch up with everyone this week.

Jodi said...

Looks wonderful and so much fun! I love the idea of giving each child a meaningful ornament.

Emily said...

Thanks Jodi - I LOVE this time of year!