Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Almost 80% finished with the Christmas Decorating!

I have spent the day picking up the house because I will be leaving for the hospital tonight for the birth of Ava. After I got things picked up I decided to finish as much inside decorating as I could. I still have the tree to decorate and our two upstairs bathrooms. Here are some pictures of some of our decorations on the inside. This snowman sits in our mudroom/desk area. My desk area. . . The Nativity set in our dining room. A friend at church makes these sets.
My kitchen window.

Above the refrigerator. . . .
Kitchen counter....... More kitchen counter . . . .
Beverage center in our kitchen . . . .

Downstairs bathroom . . . . .

Above the toilet . . . . . Jordan's room . . . .

My hutch . . . .

more hutch . . . .
more hutch . . . .
more hutch . . . .
Side of the hutch . . . .

Wall hanging my mom gave me years ago . . . .
End table in the family room . . .
Dining table in our kitchen area . . .
Fireplace and mantle
This snowman my grandma (Mema) gave me the year I got married.

Piano . . . .

Music/Sitting room . . . .The tree is in this room but I am not ready to show a picture of it yet.

In the foyer on top of the closets.. . . .

By the front door . . . . .

In the foyer . . . .
In the foyer. . . .

Alexia and Sierra's room . . ..

Landon and Taylor's room . . . .


Lady G~ said...

I don't know how I could of forgotten. You and my Melina love snowmen.

I get whooped just thinking about all the time you spend of decorating! LOL! You home looks very festive. I know your guests enjoy visiting you. :o)

Emily said...

That's right! I am a snowman addict - I guess you would say.:-) I am debating about not having my cookie party this year. I have done it for 12 or 13 years and I think it might of road its course :-) Maybe I will have it next year after a years break.

Diann said...

Your house looks awesome! Get ready to come visit me soon, I'm telling you.


Emily said...

Diann, I am so there :-) I do wish I lived closer. I have helped many a friends pack and move. I first help them declutter - get rid of what they don't need or love and then we pack it up :-)

Cynthia said...

Love all the decorations, but I must say that I'm exhausted just LOOKING at all the pictures (LOL)! Here I thought I had a lot of work to do and I have no where near the amount of decorating you have. We used to do Christmas sheets and comforters on all the beds AND we used to put a Christmas tree in each of the bedrooms with the kid's decorations each on their own tree, etc .... come to think of it I used to do a lot more things when I was younger and before the boys (LOL)!
Anyway. I LOVE all your decorating!

Cynthia said...

Oh.. and I forgot to tell you that I went to town and bought some wreaths today! I LOVE THEM! I really like seeing them on the window when looking outside. I'll have to take some pictures, but I noticed them through your windows in the bedroom pictures!

Emily said...

Actually, I use to decorate even more if you can believe it - I use to decorate our pool area and upstairs family room but each year I seem to do less and less. I am so excited you found the wreaths - post a picture when you have a chance.

Kristine said...

Ooh, I really like the red tablecloth! Isn't it fun getting it done in time to enjoy everything?!

Emily said...

Kristine - you can say that again. My goal is to have everything in it's place by Thursday so starting December 1st I can just enjoy :-)

Sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherri said...

I've got to hand it to you. I couldn't even dream of decorating every room in my house. I am stressed out and overwhelmed just looking at all the work you did! I don't know how we have managed to stay friends all these years because everything about you makes me feel so inadequate! Like my blog...I did maybe two things and haven't done anything else...I just don't know how you do it all Em! Well, in all seriousness, as inadequate as I may feel compared to you....I LOVE you and I am very glad that we are friends :)

Sherri said...

sorry...I entered it 2x and had to delete one!!

Emily said...

Sherri - You are AWESOME!!! I look up to you in the way you worship -and the way you sing and praise the Lord. You have such a knack in the way you decorate! You are incredible yourself :-) I love you too!