Thursday, October 26, 2006

Selena Faith

For those of you who don't know this is my niece Selena. She had a rough beginning (can't go into details here) but she is a miracle baby. She is the daughter of my husband's brother. She has lived her whole life so far with her grandparents (her moms side) It's amazing to see how far she has progressed in her short 18 months. God has His hand on her life. Once or twice a week I bring Selena over here to spend the day with her. This gives her grandmother a break and also let's me spend some quality time with her while my kiddies are at school. Please keep her in your prayers and just pray God's will for her life. Pray a hedge of protection over her. She is a sweety and we love her very much! Also, pray for her parents Reese and DeAnna. Pray that the Lord might work in their lives and that they would give up the "things" that have become addictions in their lives. Here is a picture of Selena with her favorite snuggle companion - Peanuts! Molly loves her too! She gave her a BIG kiss!
Here she is out by our pool - she loves Aunt Emmy's pumpkins!

Giving Taylor a hug before he goes to school!

She was ready for breakfast - she decided to dine out on the pool deck.

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