Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Our Food Bank Has Opened!!!

One of my husbands goals and dreams was to open a food bank and to help the homeless. In the year 2006 - our church has been able to take 2 homeless families off the streets. We find them housing and pay for their rent for one year. In return, they agree to finanical counseling and they must work. It is so cool to see the radical change in their lives. Also, they are attending our church too. This past Monday, another dream came true - the opening of our Food Bank. Ken, our administrator and Millie our Food Bank Manager worked so hard to help this dream come true. On opening day, we had 23 families show up - it was a blessing to see God's love and work helping the needy in our community. Here is a picture of Ken stocking shelves in the Food Bank.

This is a homeless couple (in the center) that comes every week to VOLUNTEER. They currently live in the woods in a tent. They are so faithful and love volunteering at the food bank. We have been able since this picture to get new clothes and shoes for them. Plus, a hair stylist in our church offered to cut their hair for FREE! They also have started attending our church the past month. The other two gentlemen attend our church and volunteer at the food bank.

Here is a picture of Millie working at organizing and stocking shelves.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


Emily said...

It feels so good to be making a differnce in so many families lives.