Friday, October 13, 2006

My Blessings

I thought I would take the time to give you a quick update on our blessings. Since Jordan graduated this past May I have included him in every picture LOL!!

Jordan is 18 years old and graduated totally homeschooled in May of this year. This summer he was accepted to a Music Program at a school In Louisiana. Only 25 students from around the US were accepted to the program. He was so excited because his passion is music. He has produced his first praise and worship CD. Four of the songs he wrote the words and music. Well, we found out in late July that the school cancelled the program - and gave us no reason. He was so disappointed. It left us in a hard place because it was too late to apply anywhere else. So, he is now working at Best Buy and also attending an accredited Bible School about 30 minutes from our home. I believe God's path for him did not include that music school so I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for him. He is also the keyboard player for our adult praise and worship team at our church.
Landon is 10 year old and will be 11 in December. He is in the fifth grade and this is his second year in public school. He had a rocky start last year - the first 4 weeks of school. He was not thrilled to be going to school but it has been the best decision for us (at least for now). After his rocky start - he started thriving. He has remained in A student and has been on the high honor roll. He is an incredible boy. He is sweet, sensitive, wants to please others and loves the Lord with all his heart. He has a heart for prayer. I love to see him at church praying for someone who is in need.
Next you will find Sierra. She is 6 years old but will be 7 in December. She is in first grade this year. She is the only one of our kids that I didn't officially homeschool. I always wonder if we made a mistake by not homeschooling her for a while but the Lord has given us a total peace about our school decision. She is also thriving in school. She is my reader . . .she constantly has a book in her hand. I love it!!!! Sierra loves to play and use her imagination. I love to watch her in the backyard come up with some kind of fun thing to play or pretend. She loves going to the farm behind our land - she chases our neighbors chickens and turkey's and all the other critters they have there. She is missing her front tooth and might be missing her other one by Christmas :-)
Taylor is 13 years old and will be 14 in November. He is our "middle" child. Taylor is in his second year in public school and is doing great too. It has been more challenging for him but he is accomplishing all his goals and his getting A and B's. His love is athletics. He plays basketball, baseball and recently just made the Vollyball team. Taylor has a sweet side like Landon. He still comes in every night to kiss me and say goodnight :-)
Then there is Alexia. She was 16 in May and is a junior in high school. She is our "social bug". She love people and she loves to talk :-) She is a leader for our youth group at church, is on the youth dance team and witnesses to so many at school. Her passion is the arts. She loves to act and dance. She did theater for many years but is now taking a break this year. She is also on the yearbook committee, key club and FCA. She is so busy but I guess that is the life of a high schooler.
That is a little look and update on the kids. We try at least 3 nights a week to have family dinner - where we all sit down together. I am noticing it is harder these days to get all seven of us together at once.

Jordan and Sierra

Taylor and Jordan

Alexia and Jordan

These pictures look fuzzy - I am not sure why :-)

For some reason Landon's photo won't upload.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update...the photos don't look fuzzy at all on my screen. LOL

Emily said...

I am glad they are not showing up blurry on your screen. I still can't figure out why they are on mine.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

BTW I was that anonymous - have no idea name is clicked on my screen. LOL

Anonymous said...

I have loved seeing you,Carlos and my kids. They will always be in my heart as mine:) Loved reading about all of you. Will talk soon. God bless. DALY